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and how done. hell cannot, much leffe the wicked ofthe world fhall be able to refifl: any one ofthem. . , Secondly,they {hall doe it -wil- /ingJ.y, becaufe their wills are wholly conformable to the will of Chrifi:, whom they love with all their fl:rength • Their readineffe appeareth, Mat .1 3. 2 8. the forvantsfaid, /halt wee gt!lther up the tares? Thofe that defire corn· miffion afore·hand,will be ready enough when they have it. Thirdly, they &all performe Juflly: itjuft!y,purely,faithfully,Rev.I). 6. the feven Angels that had the feven plagues , are faid to bee c/oathed in pure and 6right /innen; noting their righteoufneffe, not mingling corrupt paffions in · their executions, nor corruptly refpetling any perfons. And they are girded on their breafts with goldengirdles : gold is the purefi ofall metals, noting their purity and faithfuln~ffe in performing 0 z the