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~iligemly: I I . SpeedUy• .Rev.4.S. · Office of Angels the wil1 ofGod, in whole and in every part. Fourthly, they !hall doe it diligently and perfeElly ,in moU H:rid: and exact manner . l~or ~hey could not continue in their glorious ell:ate,ifthey fhould not bee every way anf\verable to the law of God, both in the puritie of their nature, and in the perfetlion oftheir worke: for howfoever the Angels compared with God ar(}ttmperfed ( Jo6, chap. 4. vtrf. 18.) yet in comparifon of Gods Law they have perfeClion, and no fpot of fin ne cleaveth to them. F iftly, it !hall bee done fPecdi• ly, and in the t1'1inkfinc~ of (In eye, wit~1 unco11ceiveable quickneife and 'celeririe; which is noted by their wings and girded ~reajfl, readie and prel.l: to the bulineffeof their Lord. So of the.fccond thing. . 3.Their miniftry &office {h.Jli be