Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1 for the godly. · be ofuf~ againft a1l·wicked perfans. Fufr, to force them, and prefent them before the J udge,be they never fi) rebe11 ious: for they fhall 6/ow the trumpet, that a-ll !hall heare : they ihall runne thr0ugh earth and fea in an infi:ant,to gather ONt all that offend: they {hall compell mightie and · rebellious Potentates to prefent themfelves. Secondly,to be (perhap-s ) witne£fes, and give evidence againfi the ungodly,of many fecret finnes : fure wee are} they attend our ··congregations (1 Cer. I~. 10.) and why not in our pri~:Jate chambers r Thirdly, to· be infiruments ofGods venge. anee on the wicked,i'Vfat. 13.41, 42. the r~apen fhall gather the tares ,and caft them into unquenchahle fire. · So of the third. · 4. Their fervice and Minift:ry i1111l notably ferve for the cc mfort and falvation of the Saints in 0 3 that 2-93