Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Goodoffi- 'ceswhich ! Angels . rhcn doe ltor the ~godly. le Office of .Ange/1 1 that day, for firft they ihall with admirable expedition gather the Saints out of their graveSJ from all the foure windes, and bring them into the prefence ofChrill:: fecondly, as they attended them · in their humilitie, fo now lhaU their fervice be exceeding comfertable in that day : never was H11gar focomforted by an Angell in her diftreffe,when heerefrdhed her with water, as they lhall be by the Angels in this day of refrefhi'.lg: for, · 1. Thefe Angels w hieh had carried their foJ.lles into Heaven, as La:GArm(L11k! r6.) fhall now bring their bodies out of the earth. As the Angell loofod Peters chaine.t, and brought him·. outofprifon,Ail.I 2 . fo now lball not one living body as hi~, but all the dead bodies ofthe Saints bee brought out of their prifons, and' fet into perfect freedome: All fi:ones Jb.all bee rolled a. way, . and all