Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

for the godly. ---------------- all cbaines of corruption broken afunder . .2"' When all elements fhall bee 2. diffolved,and fet on fire, the Angeh !hall helpe and hide them, that the fire fuall not hurt them; that looke as the three fervants of G 0 D walked in the midfi: of the fire, and had no hurt, onely their chaines were loofed, becaufe God font bil ,Apge/1 among them, Dan. 3· 25. fo here ::tll the godly fhall bee fafe in that fire, which £hall drive the wickeq to defperation, not able to fl:and before thofe terrible bunrtngs. And that fire fhall refemble the waters of the red fea, which was a wall to Ifrael,but a well and pit to drowne Egypt. Yea and as that fire of ?X.!..6uchadne~:t..ar, that fheltred Gods fervant~ from the Tyrant, but licked up and devoured the enemie. 3. Where as Satan at that day, I being at his lafi & m oil: defperate · 0 4 a!Tault,