Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

.Angels co~e Il----l a_ff_a_u-1t-, _ili . ~n beemofi·- rag-ing againfl: the Saints, they lball fl:op / · the mouth ofthis raging tion,as once they did for D:~~niel~ and, by their power quell the forces of the-divel1. And their very multitude £hall afford this comfort, that there fhall appeare infinite more "nith us th1m agaitJft 11-1, 2. King.6.t 6. 4· As they .fhall bind the tares, 4 • to cafl: them into the fire,fo lhall • • they carry the wheat into the - garner; and fo appeare glorious mini/lring jpirit.t for t6e good of tke·beires of foh:~tion, He6r. 1. { I4· . Thus the office and m,inifl:rie ofthe Angels Olall marvdloufly fet out the §lory of Chrift, promote the worke of the great day-, bee ferviceable for the finall ruine ofall enemies,and happily advance the comfort and ia:lvation of the Saint$, in thefe particulars. But I read not in the Scr:ipture.