Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

witk -chrifl, how. ·------- Scripture a v;ord of thofe childHh and ridiculous conceits -of Petrus Thyrnu a Jefuite, who in the defcription of Chrifis glorious appearing appoints fome Angels to beare up the cloud, and hold up the feat ofthe J udge,and fome to beare the croffe before him,others the crown ofthornes, .others the nailes, others · the fpeare and other infiruments of his paffion: Which he hath grave- · 1y confirmed, becaufe hee hath {eene thefe things finely & artifi~ - · cially pJinted upon tab1e.s: Sound ,proofes of J e(uites :-. Vv' hen they, want grounds from Prophets and .~ · Apofi1es, they can fi1pply thetn out of Poets and P~inters, to !Jorl; femper 1vhorrJ' w.u ever granted equal/(['"'"",...'""' . leave to devife what they lifted. . But how can theAngels come -. rv: \V ith ChrHt feeirg they at:e no How th bodily {ubflances, in their nature ~nge!s . being withon-t mag:litude,fi'gure; ''2h,~fl;;w1 . or fenfe; ,andfeeing they occup.ie n. · - . {_. 9 5 ir)