Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

.Angeli come- . . 1 . : - i1o place,how cari they m<)ve locally from heaven into the aire, and into the ~arth ? · An{. The Angels being,creatures,though they fill & occuRie no place,yet muf.lneeds be ddini-- tively io fame place, nov.r. in one, and then in . another, and fom·etime locapy ·afcend, and localJy de.fcend,after a:manner unkn·own . en.~S•u.~ :to : us. Hence · in .JacfJ6:r ]-adder ! the -At?gds are {aid to. a.(cend and. ' defcend: and not onely in vijion, but aElnaliJ, Lu~ r. 26~· Ga.hriel was font from G0 D to A Citie i?t· Gali/ee. So our foules are fpirituall fubfiance_s, .and_ yet they localIJ aftend to he.aven., and at the re- , furreclion defcend from h'eatJen.to · . be unit:ed to their bodies. In like. . fert the Angels are-, defcribed to .;, · beef moft qui eke motion,and fol'~· · their ce]eride and ·fwiftne£fe are _·compared to the .~indes,and have 'W.ing,J afcribed to them, -as flying· with mo!b!wift motion about · their :: r--...........---.;__---------- H