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wtth chrift,howi their Lords commands. And fo mufi ·it needs bee: for, t • Their motion is witboPJt all ·rejiflance ofboclily {i.lbfl:ances :no body can refill an unbodily fubfiance, and all refifl:ance is betweene bodies. motion• . 2. Being .withon.t refifl:ance, . their motions are without all/ahour or wearinefe : -they_are refi- · Ieffe in their motion. · , i. It mufl: be mofi fpeedy, we- · caufe /;y no meAnes hin.dred : fo as -in a iliort time, . above that wee ·can perceive, they can move betweene heaven and earth. I fay not1in a moment: for ,Angels can- ·not locally move betweene ex- · tremes, as from- heaven to earthJ but by palling the mettne, which · is to be done Jn .flm~, .t~ough very foort. · Thus w.ee·conclude; that the fpiritt~al na~u.re ofAngels,thougH , it occupie and fill no -pwe· as bodies doe., .nor.hath any circumftrip~ive I .I -