Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Eminencie·ofC hrift firiptive P-lace affigned them· as they,and though by their·motion in place they neither expell nor move any body out of p1ace; yet are.they mo~;:ed locally, and fhalL .defcend with Chrifl: to judget11ent, and quickly expedite all things belonging to ic by their Miniil:rie. · Uflr ~ · Obferve hence a<difference be~- bitterence n.veen~ Chrifrs. firfl: and fecond 1 1 1r~betweene IChrifis commJng. 1' rfi 'and For fidl, hee cotnesnow with ·, · -econd- another manner oftraine,than hee i fomming. had follo\ving him. upon earth: ~/ I 111 , 1 • Then he.had twelve poore fifoer- 1 ron.I 8..3 6 · men, defpifed perfons, follo\ving· t 1 him (forhiJ Kingdome w.u not of ·· rhu world) but now his traine are I 2. all the A11gels ofheaven. Secoild .. ly~ hee was .theato fhe\v himfelfthefon ofman,and in the form· o( ~ ,fervant: but now hee-will ihew himfelfe the Sonne of G~Jd, 3 :.. and thehL(}rd-ofgloryh. T~irhdly,hre "tVas t · e1~ to. preac tJg teou - · 1 ne!fel);~ ; .. ----------------------------- \