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nefi.'t,a·1d to (uifer for fin: but now he is to judge righteoufiy, and to revenge Gn. Fourthly, he was e- + ver the l..ord ofthe holy Ahgels, and therefore in his temptations and agonie, they were readie to comfort him: and when hee was at the weakeft>hee was-ofpower to command many legiolu of the1n .: but that was not the time to {hew forth his Majefl:ie by their attendance, as this appea- ·ring· is. F iftly, thofe ·Angels 5· w hieh miniftred unto him· i!1 his incarnation and birth, in his life and death , 'vere Angels of grace , Preachers to iliepheards, · Difcitptes, \vomen and others, appearing fometirnes by one or tw·o, to one or two perfons. But thefe are ~ngels of power, appea-; ring in m-illions to all the world, who in their wonderfull · g1o-- de fhall behold the glory oftheir lord. Again,the.tord Jefus is hence proved