Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Eminencit ofChr~(t r proved the iord ofglo.ry, in that dvance.: I the holy Angels ferve him as h ~ 0~ their head_,& King of the Church: /~·ngefs fo the ~poftle (Phi!. . a.,.) pro- · rie. veth h1m to have~ Name above · all name$, becau(e all thing.r in he~ven and earth, and under the e.arthfoall confef[e him..: and Chrifi: himfelfe, to ·pro\Te his heacHhip, uftth the fame argument, ]oh. I. 52~ Herellfter foa/1 Jeefle the Angels a[fending and ·defcending on .. j th~ Sonne of man, that is, mini- · - l firing to him as the he~d ofthe Chorch, as was figured 1n }llcolu ladder,Gen.28. 1 :2. for Cbrifi is - tile/adder, by whichonelywee afcend to heaven: · this ladder . reached from heaven fO earth, noting his two natures ', divint from his Father in heaven, and hU.mtJnf from J4coln loynes .on ·. e.arth: Angel:r afu-t;J ~t?Jd difce~za on it 11 noting fhfir emif!iotJ and ~dmiffion, defcending to their office, and afcending :to ·give ac~ count. Befides, ..