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abot'e AngelsJO. Bdides,.he mufi be greate£1: of . 2. aii,who is honoured ofall:andfo Chrifis eminencie above all erea- , tures is proved ,. .becaufe all the . 0nge/J of he~tven · mHjJ honour him, Heh .1. 6, And the m.ore,and more honourable the Attendants .and M inillers be-, the -greater is the perfi.mage fo attended : but ·, the Angels are every where fpo.. ken of, as the excellencie of the Creation ; .and in tl}e glory ofthefe fervants behold the glory of their Eord. . Againe, their incelfant flrvice 3-· to Jefus Chrill: advanteth his glory: ExDd.z6.3r. the vaile of the Tabernacle ·which covered · the moll; hply (expre,fly fignifying the flefh of Chriil: which .hid and · cov~red his Deity) mull bee made of broydered worke.. with• Cherul7ims : , not without Cherubims , which noted the multitude of Angels ferving Chrifi:. E~od. 2:)., .zo. J:he Cherubims-~ ,