Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~.......,. .Ange!J terrible, 1 rubims, fignifyjng the Ange-ls, . mulrlift their wings on high, as attending Chrifr, and their faces mull: bee to the Mercy-feat; . which lively refembled Chrifr, · on whom their eyes muil: fiill be cafr, as the eye q_fthe handm1ide to the hand of her Mill:reffe. Thus wee £hall fee how thev ferved Chrifi as man, -even in hi's lowefl: efl:ate, as well as in his [ highefr. I11 his bitth they fang · . gJory to God, and were prea-- chers ofhim to l11epheards.After his temptations they miniflred tiJ. I .-him, fpreading. a table for him in . the w i tderneffe ,:and waiting at his table, b!itt. 4· t r .·In his agotiie in the garden they comf()rttd · , bim, Lulz: 22. 4 3. 1n the grave. they roll away the jl-orie for his re-- finretl:ion, ()}[ttt-. 2S.2·.In his afcen.Gon they waite upo1-1 him:~md · ltad him to the Ancient ofda;es, . ofwhom he received a.kingdome · over all creatllre,s 1 Dan, 7. 1 3· But:.