Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

·and comfortable. ----'----..,------' '-- But much more now they attend him ., and affift him in the judgement of the great day, \V he-rein bee is to put forth his greatefl: power and glory , in the mofl glorious worke that ever -was or canbe. , . 3. Here is matter of terror to the enemies of Chrifi:, even all w-icked and impenitent perfons : in that 1 efus Chrifi commeth ar- .med with fuch power and glory againfl: them: for now he rideth · in h·s d1ariotof triumph againfl: all his enemies, and now all the ·mountaines in the world cannot .hide the tn · fi~om' the Judge, but the power of the Angels !hall prefent them. Neither· can the . fentence bee avoyded , nor the · execution reprived : for if·hea- . · \ren and earth bee mingled together , · wh(:ltf-oever fentenee of death .is pronounced <~n them·, · the Angels 01a1l fpeedily execute. How comes it then to pa!fe,., . Ufo 3· Terrorto theenc· miesof Chrift.