Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

306 Angels terri .~·le, paffe , that men are fo careleffe, andpaffe over thefe ·great woes as a tale that is told ? 1hall this Judge prot1onnce the fentence, and the Angels undertake the .ex.-. ecution, and yet the thing faile of execution ? W o worth the dcadneffe and fecuritie ofwilful] finners , that dare contemne fo dreadfull a fentence as lhall eter- . nally torment them ! · 4· Here is afiured comfort for the Saints : that all this glorious attendance of the Head 1ha11 bee· the glory ofrhe members. What · a great comfi>rt lhaH it be, to fee · the· Angels Jnufiered together, to become our fervants alfo, and . performe the greatell: fervice to us as ever was performed by' them ? While the Saints lived f here, the good Angels 'clttended them , and kept them in their h;r,nds : \V hen they dyed, the AnPfa . ~x.r 1 " gels carryed their foules to heaven, v.rhich was no meane fer- , vJce.