Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

vice.-13~U:- n~w in this _great clay they Jhall reunite the foule~ and bodies of the El eel, they lll.all feparate the whole man from all corruption, and communication with fin and finners, and gather oat all that offend, and fuall not · leave them till they be fet quite free from all da1>1ger, .as the An- · gell did Peur, Ail. 12. no nor till they have placed them in the glory of 6od. Now what an honour is it, that thefe glorious fpirits who dwell in heaven,. lhould ferve them that dwell on earth , yea dwelt lately in the grave ? that meere fpirits lhould ferve flefh and blood ? and cr:ea.. tutes fo elevated in their nature, above all fin and mortalitie,. fh.ould fl:and charged with them who immediatly before were clothed with mift:-ie and corruP'- tion? · Q.ueft. How comes this to . paffe ,. feeing they "t\re hu, th~t lS,