Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

oHrerence · their miniftery toChrift and us. " · I. 3· 4· Honour Chrift, is, Chri!b -Angels ? .Anfw. This m ~dt neither ilnpeach Chrifis glory, nor lift usup to glorie in any thing,in our felves :·Forthey lerve Chrifi:and us, but not after the fame man· ner, n<:ir upon the fame grounds : r. Their fervice to him is immedi~tte , as to the head . of the Church, to us medi11te, as mem.. bers ofthis head. i.· Their fer• vice is due to him as to their CreAtor and Lord, of dutie, to us as creature.r, of charge from him~. 3. Their fervice is prop-er to hirn, and invefred itl him as in his own - right, to us communicated'onely by vertue of our communion with him. 4· They are hu Angel.r by fpecia11 proprietie, and they doe hitn a11 ho1nage and fervice by JPeci d! prerogative, as the aut hour and preferver ofa11 their excelient gifrs, and condi... ' I tion: but our An_gels by Jpuit~ll commi]Jion, and direction from him,