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gri_e1.:e n.ot th.t Ange/J. him, entrufied to -employ their giftsfor our good, In one -word, · never did they minifier to a member, but for the honour of their bead. 5. It teacheth us to admire-the furpaffing love of our Lord ., in that hee tooke our nature , and bound us flraiter to him than hee did the Angels of ·heaven ·; and bath vouchfafedus hiso'Arne fpeciall fervants to attend us, and charged them with our fafetie in all our -wayes, in life, in death, in judgement, till we be fet out of .the reach of all danger. VVell Imew our Lord , what weake creatures wee are in our felves, what dangerous combats · \Vee were to frand in, with how many fpiritua11and invifible enemies we were to be befet : 2nd ther'\ fore ottt of his love and wifedo~ bath appointed us fo many fpirituall , invi!ible,and more powerfull ayders and affifiers. 6.. If Uft $• Honour Chrifi. for thcfe attendants given us. Pfal.9r. l I •