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3IO H_onuur Chrift, · 6. Ifwee expett this happie mini.ftery from the Angels, let us beware that in the meane time wee grieve not by our fin thefe · holy Ange1s>nor drive them from about us, whofe protection under God is fafer than if wee lay ·si vi& habc- I ,Nnder foield ~wd /'ptttre, P fa/. · 91. reminifteri- 4· I r. While wee deGre . they Angel~· .thould fl:and for us at that day, f~g,e , beware ofminifiring matter to nco,l2:o&artto1.Jres them t~1 witneffe againfi . u~ . Yea let us furnHh thern with matter ofour defence, as thofe that have beene both wit:1eff~s and defen- . ders of our pure converfation. ·' ~ ·Cor. 1r. 1o. Wo1nen n1ufi bee feemely in the Congregatidn, 6e- . caufo ofthe Ange(s. And becaufe of the A!1gels, both in Gods .( houfe, and our owne houfes, and aiJ meetings , the Saints muft walke holily and reverently , as thofe that have not o·nely Gods eye, and the eye of Chri£1: upon · us, a~ Judges, but the Ang~1s as· · wirnelfes. . ·. lH ~!I ----~------------~---------- 4 ·