Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

grie1.·e not the .AngeiJ. 3 I I . ,w itneffes.Let no !inner thatlhall fi:and in need offo tnuch comfor.. 1 _" ,table fervice from them, goe on f to grieve or offend them,\but rather afford them matter .of rejoycing, in their found converlion, and daily renewing of their repentance, Lulz. I 5 ·7• - 7· Learne to imitate the An.. Ufe 7 . gels in their fervice and tninifl:~- J Imitate .. rie , as it bath beene defcribed. thcm,and -Fir!l:, they honour Chrifi in all doe fervicc their minillerie :foall thefcope as they. an.d aime of our lives and labours It mufl: bee the glory ofour head. · Secondly, they are expedite and 2..- readie:they have befides the agilitie and fwiftneife ·ef their nature, wingJ to Aie withall: let their wings fpeed tJS ' in his fer.. vice, who are nearer than they: fhould the members be he a vie and uncheerefhll in the fervice of the H'ead ! Thirdly , .they are in all 3. things ruled a·nd moved by his mouth and fpirit : they doe none ' · · of