Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 r 2 · Imitate the Angels, htJw. of their owne , but his will: · E ze~ I ~ 2 o. Whither the{pirit led them , they went. Let us in all things give up our felves much more, to the leading of his Spirit, not running in any bafineffe unfent, or without our warrant: doth the member any thing, or move any way without the heads ;4• direction ? Fourthly, they rejoyce in a1l good things, .in the glory ofChrifr, in the victory of Chrifl: , in the converfion of finners,in the everGon ofall wicked enemies, in the fina11 falvation · and glory Gf all Saints, and doe pron1ote·a11 there. But \vhy doe not wee more rejoyce in thefe things ,. the benefit of which more redoundeth to us, than to them ? How unlike is it to the Angels, to rejoyce in evill, in finfull .courfes and companie ? why ha.te wee and {cor ne fuch, as mofipartake in C.hritls via:ory, and are fet outofthedivels power?