Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-Imitate th~ AngelJ,hoJv• er? F{fcly, they are unweariable 5. in performing ·their ferv ice to Patienu' Chrifl: .: and much 1effe fi1ould a &fortiter b perjev~an- member e wearie of being officidltm;ut qui ous to the head. When did any ad crwonam good A11gell fhrinke and recoyle /.wdejam . from the commandement of p~oxima m.. h . 1 h. t ltttr, duranC rth;, or account any~ u~g too u patimtia much he cou1d doe, far tvhrtfl: or corsnetur. his members, as many Chr_ifiians cyp: de ~gn(} be ? Therefore my Beloved ( 1 Patzemu. c~r.I )·58.) Be ftedfRft, unmoVetlhle, unweariable, and abun- - d~nt ir; the wor~e ofthe .Lord. The time .comes \V hen \Ve ihall be in our condition ·iurl"~xot -~ l1k.! or -equ:zll to tht Angel.r, Ltt~. 20.3 S. and when 'Are fhall be children of · thc ·refurrttli.8n. Let us frame our felves to the gO'od Angels beforehand in this firft re(urre8ion, that h c. d I Rev.zo;6'• .1we may ave comrort an g o.ry - ~in thatfoton~. p eA'nd