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, 9~>.t.~~'l'.J'rrf' -r,P ,~'7"~ I IISr~t~ c;, ~ ; ~i. I I Imitate the Anrt;elr, how. eAnd thfn hee fo~/1 give tfJ every man accfJrding to hi:J -wor~.r. Here is the fife and lall: point , namely, the end ofChrill:s comming to judgement: where are five things to be confidered; 1 ·. A jull: retributron, in the word~t;vlif,which fignifies both a returne ofjufi:ice, and a gifc of favour : M~tt.h. 20. 8. C~/1 the -work!·men, ttnd give them their ·wages, rtturne both to thofe that came into the vineyard firfi:J and ·feeme to have deflrved it , as alfo . l thofe that came fn lafl, to whom it was giv~n of f4vour. For· it is obfervable, that the compound is cha·nged intotpe fimple·, vcrf. 14. I will give to th.i.slaft,~· unto thee: and therefore is m oft fitly ufed here, in refpe ,~ of the twa forts of fubjeefs to bee judged : The wicked, who mufl: receive a jull: retribution according to 1 / their I •