Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Rule Bfjudging: worlees. 315 t heir wor.kes-,and defert of them: And the godly, ·who are to receive life everlafl:ing of the free favour of 6od in Jefas Chrift. And this is the end of ChrHls . comming ;· that fecondary and fubordinate end , in the felicitie of the Eletl, and jufi: damnation ofreprobates; which promot&th that chiefe ·and primary end ofall , his great workes, even the praife of the glory ofhis grace, in the confitmmation of that his kingdome which bee fet up in this world. , 2. The perfon retributing : 2 • . Hee : the jufi Judge of all the world : hee that lo·veth righteoufnej[e, and h~teth iniquitie : hee that exercifed and fulfilled al] righteoufneffe in his humilitie, fhall now much more exatt it in his glory. And herein is the difference between this Judge, and other judges : F idl: , hee is ap- . ~pointed te 'bee judge of all the P z world,