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2. Chron. I • 19. ti. Pfal.s~.r. 'l 3· Rule ·ofjudging: workes. world,:and now to com.e to de- {ho.y and revenge all unrighteoufile!fe: they not fo. Secondly, theLord is 'With them in their paffing of righteous fentence, but he is the Lord : God Jit.r with them, bee fits as Go::l. Thirdly, they may bemif-led:for 1 they 0ften pa!fe fentence before due hea... ring. and tri'!_ll,; but not fo He, as in Adam.r cafe, firil all w.ere examined. Or they when they have heard the right, may be carryed away by affection, petition, money, importunitie, or t he command ofa fuperiour,as in Nahr;thJ cafe : this Judge not fo, mofl: righteous, and \Vil1 deale righteouflv. ~: The perfons to wh01n: To ever] man : he faith not,to ali men in generall, but the word noteth the particular judgement ofevery fingular rnan:none fha11 avoid judgement; Kings nor fubjetls, rich nor poore : the greateft Mo- . narch