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Rule~fjudginc'{-\ workes. 317 narch that ever was, mufi appeare, ifr.is power be .not fuperiour to Chrifts. The poore foule fhall not bee neg~etled) nor for~ gotten. None iliall anfwer by Protlours , but ever] man Iha/l receive according to that he hath done in the body, be it good, or · evill. Hence the Scripture, that - it may @m it none, rangeth them into, fundry rankes : name.ly ,.of ju.ft and unjuft, AB. 24~ 15. of quiek,s llnd dead, .A 8. I o·. 42.. of ·grellt andfmali)Rev.20.t 1. Chrift now calls, and men will not ~ome, butthen-they mufl: come m. 4.The time :f/hen !hall he give to every one., : now is not the time · or place in which dwelleth righte-- ou(nej[e : now it is well with the , wicked, . and not fu well to the godly :. now in · mens tribunals many things are carried unjuft/1 andparti¥ZilJ ; but \Ve know that then the judgement ofGod £hall P 3 be