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.Ruleofiudging: workes • .Jf. . be11cco~ding .to t;uth, Rom.l. 2.. 1 Now 111 this world a man may fee a jull: man, to whom it is ac- . · &ordintr to the '»'<Jrf?.! ol'the wicLed:. 9•Ife 6 'J ~ 3.16. Apoorewife man by his wifedqme delivering the Citie, and nowe rememhreth thu peore man : The beft worke receiving the worfl: wages, and iniquitie in the pl~ce of j~tftice. But then is the tin1e, when the g.odly fhall have. a fall rewa-rd and honour,and the wicked everlafl:ing flume and forrow. 5· · 1· The rule of this recom· pence :.accordi11g tg hil -work!1 ::. where, ·1. Firft, what is meant oy works• . Namely, not onely actions good: or bad : but we mu!l: include the Drigina/1 and attendantJ ofthem, even the worke ofour fall in Adam , w hieh was our w orke as well as his ; originall fin,,e, and corruption of nature, of which_ workes are the fn1its, and fo com-