Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Rule ofjudging: .w{)'rkes. - - - ----- comprehended in them. So out . of workes of the Safnts faith is ~ · not excluded, being the rife of them, and indeed the nob left of all workes, the chide obedience required in the Gofpell. The t~ttendn,nt J of good workes are a Ho included under them, as namely, thoughts and fpeeches:for according to every idle ii'Pord & thotJght wee muf\: bee iudged ; but the workes will manife!l: what they . hav-e beene. , ·Secondly, the appropriation: . 2 • · hiJ workes :His owne,not other ' mens : every rmm jh;~/l give AC- · Rom.14 . compt ofhimfelfe unto God: every : u. ·veflell rnufl: fi:and on his owne · bo~tome : the father iball not beare the fonnes burden,& c. O!J. In the fecond commande- · ment God will revenge the fins ,ofParents in their children to the third and fourth generation. An(. Not except the children be found in the fame fins :none f11a1l P 4 fuffer