Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

WorkeJ~ the rule ofj~Jdging, --__...:..!.-- - ~ --· ----- .- - - · - - ~· fitffer for anothers-worke,further than he is· fome way guiltie of j-r, as the childe often is by confent or imitatioi~ . . And thus the Pharifees- fhall goe to hell fi)r .Ahels · blood, and ~achariu, ib-ed rna- .ny thcl:l'fand yeares before their .ageJ becaufe they were not war. · ned by that example to avDid b1ood-fhedding. But hee will vijite the !innes ,. that is ,. firfl: enquire, and, ifhee finde them not,. hee w-ill not revenge :fee E:Geft, t8. I 4. and the examples of He- ~ekjah, Jefiah, and other good childr-en of \V icked parents. Thirdly, vvhat is meant by the phrafe llccording to- work_tJ-? Anf. r-.The phrafe noteth plainly, t-hat as our workes ar~ good o1• bad, fi1 onr doome !11all bee : for fa it is evidently expounde..el, Rn~ . z· 2.12. My rev.rard i~ with - me, to give to every one M hu. work! foal/ he : fo as the tentence !hall run according to the eviden~e:· (