Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Jf! nN meritorie~. dencethat workes fball bring in, as iure witndfes either of their faith or infidelitie. 2. The phrafe implye.th the q.ualitic of the WOI ke,but nOt the merit: which wt;e obfcrve_, becaufe the Papifh hence ignorantly bui1d up ·their merit of ~ork_:J, and thus argne, God will render to the wid{ed . according to the merit of their· workes, and therefote the godly mu!l receive accordirg to the merit of. the-ir workes. A~flv:. 1+e argt~ment follewes not from themer it ofcvill,vorkes tothe tnerit of good vvorl<es: f&Jr firfr, good w orkes are Gods, not ours propel ly ,as our evtll workes are: fai th, and \.\'-orkes of fai thare the gift of G 0 D, : .fecot1dly, good. ,vorKes- in us are imperfectly good , but our evill work{·s· ~re perfcclly evil1: thirdly, good workes are done ·upon dutie, but· ev-ill \vorkes againf:t dut ie; 1nerit· l and debt are oppofed, . and, what ~ P 5 meri~ ,