Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

j-2 2 workes the rule of judging, m·.eriteth ·he, who-hath but done his dutie,and failed in doing too? 4"• f9urthly,whocan bring:thefe meNts? Not the unregenerate ~for the wrath' of God is revealed from heaven againft all the un- . righteouft1elfe of men. Or ca.n the fonnes ofGod ,_ when ./16raham himfelfe bath not wherein to rej9yce before God ?furely if hee ~could bee juftified by no other ·means than faith, much leffe canwe : Th!!refore hJ the wor~J ~.f the !11-w c1m. 1Jo flefo 6ee jujhfted, ,. .Rom.j .28. . ~eft. Why then [h11l good 2r;-1 \Vorkes beeinqllired into in that J rule~ \ day, rather--than faith ?· and why \ . ,. 1:~' fhall Chrift judge t~tccr;rding to ·· "Work!J, not faith t . An{w. 1. Workes fhall bee ~- . inqu.ired into , not IU meritorio~U · caufes offalvation·, which is only merited by Chrifl:s workes w hieh onely had perfed:ion ; !Jut M conditions of Gpds promijeJ con· cerning t :