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yet not meritorio:u. cerning reward in heaven, given not for merit, but of Gods Nil DertJ free grace : for hee crowneth his in nofJiJ gr~tcc in UJ, not o-ur merit!, faith pfte:er frtcl , a k fi dm1a cor a~ A 11 gup ine. Wor es are requ i 1 te h r. b nat. conditions to t e per1on, ut no 'aufes ofre\vard. 2. To-lhew that J efus Chriil:. £hall accept no perfon!, but looke to caufos. 3· To fhe\v that faith mufl: not bee idle , but put forth the I life in good motic:ns and atlions. · 4 ~ Becaufe the Judgement and equitie of it mufl: be vifible, and · run into the eyes cfall mankind : and therefore mufi: be paifed according to the fruits and _workes \vhich men may fe-e ; . whereas , fiith, by which alone wee are ju· Hified before God, is an inward and fpiritua11 grace in the heart, , ~­ know ne onely to God who feeth the heart, and it flieth ·the fenfe of man furtherthan-by the works oflove, as fruits·, it difcov"'ereth l i:£elfea - 0/J. ~ -~ 3• " ~ ..