Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-~--- 3 24 Lttfl judgement.g loriou1, Whether 1 06jel1. But if the judgement· ~~eG~~;:11 1 were according to worl{es, 'tben be the 1 ule the rule fl1ould be the law : but ofj~dging. God will judge the fecrets ofl men according to the G oJPeii,Rom.'1 2. I-6. which is the dwctrine of faith, not of workes . Anfw. The word K<J.:rd, accor- _din... ~, fignificth there not the rule ofJudging, but the certitude of ) it: a'nd the fenfe is, Accorcing as I have taught you in the Gofpel: my Gojpe/1, or my preaching it among ycu. Or if it be taken for 1 the rult>, it mu!t be meant. of the · El eft on1y, who by the Gofp ell fha11 be abfol ved, l s the wicked by the law condemm·d. 1 O.!J~ But how ihall .they be judged,. \Vho have no works,as fi.1ch who repent at lafi cafi, w hofe vvorkes hav:e beene a11 againft .God, and poore 1nen that want ·means ?. For fuch as repent at lafl:) as the tbeefe on the croffe,they Gull receive according to theirw.orks~~ for. l ------------------------------ ~