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and riuhteoUJ. 0 • for true faith is never without thewitneffe ofworkes·, but wor.- k.!th hy..lovt, let the.ir time .be ne!" verJo little. So the-theefe on the. - fuddaine confeffed his Gnlbeway1ed·his-1ife,profeifed Chrifl: when his difcip1es left him, reproved his fellow, and prayed earndl1y for falvation, "and· would £ur-ther have e:xpreffed-his- faith, ifhee l1ad lived longer. So thofe that are called in the article ofdeath, have.atrue purpofe, if they live,. to expreffe their f~ith, and Gods mercy accepteth this will for the deed dm1e. Let pot thine eye be e.vill, becaufe the Lords is good. And fbr the godly poore, who 2. can give no almes , . yet they doe workes of pietie, j~fiice, .diligence in the calling, and worl\es ,of truefl: mer{:y , in prayer , . infiruCl:ionofthe Gmilie,comfort, , r~proofe, and the like to thefe. 06jeft. But fome are not judged according to their \vorkes, - but