Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Lafl judgement glorio!44, { . but receive an unequall fentence, ·Rev 18. I 6. Giver her dou6le·ac- .. carding to hfr -work....s ,that is,twice as 1nuch punifhment as her. \V orkes are . .Anfw. By doubleisnot'meant double of punifoment to her fin (for no puniihment can.-be doubfe:. to the leafi fin:) bnt double af- . flic&ion,that is,a much more grievous punifhment than !heehath afflided the Church vvithaH:and f this,Babylon hat·h well deferved, . ·1 and 1hall be fure of.So fome w icJ ked men are pJnifbed fJr one and I the fame ftn, here and herea :-ter; . as fur rnurther,thefr, or the like: this is not a double punifhment, but a further degree ofthe fame · puniiliment; .one begunhere,at.1d tbe other eternally continued . hereafter: both due by that jufl: fentence, In the day (hou finneft ', thou fhalt dye the death. Doilr.The 1afr judgement ffiall be not mqre glorioUJ' than righteous -: ;;,