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and righteo:M. om : for if Jefus Chrifi: be the Judge, and if everyperfon to bee judged ihall receive according · to his \Vorkes a righteous fentence , the judgement muft bee m oft jufl:. Rom.z. ~·.We k..~o"W th"t . the ;udgement of God i4 trNc, that is, equall and fu£1:. And the Apefile abhorreth with detefiation' the leafl:thought of any unrighte- , ou£ne£fe in God,c. 3.) .JJ God un- ·· righteom? God for hid: how fooHld he then judge the 'W9r/d, ? this will not.£l:and with ~he proper office of God,which is to be the Judge ofall the world :. .fhall not hee dea1e juUly? . I ,. Where all hel~s of righteous. ous judgement are , the judgement muft needs bee righteous : · but fo are they here : for firft, in JUa~~em~en the perlon of the Judge there is ! wifedome, and piercing under-· fianding farre above Slll(}monJ,to fii1de out the truth and equitie of things : H·e difcern(s P.erfons and . caufes