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328 Lets ofrighteoMs judgment. caufes tru1y and infallibly, as they are : Hee,can difclofe and difcov.er all fecrets of hearts,.. int~nd-· ons,and purpofes, which no'creature can difcern. All other }udges· may be deceived, \Vho j~dge b :1ly. of the worke running into , the·fenfes, and fo 1nif;.judge of men as D11vid ' himfelfe did of Mtphihofocth. But this Judge feeth the heart and hidden coun- , fels ofir.. This grounilo~rightel ous judgement is laid -in Jrrtrn}' 17. 10~ I tbe.Lord (car~h the heart tmd reyncs, to give to every man,lflccordtng to hki work.!J. Here· in i:; this Throne exalted above all tribnna1s, in that the mofi: fecret thoughts efcape him nor, which the hjgheft feats of jufbce in earth can take no notice of. All things are. tuz~ed ro him; He6. +· - t· 3. Another helpe of. righteous judgement is the opening ofthe bookes J both in Gods cufiodi(' ~ and in the cnO:odie.ofthe particso. . God