Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Lets ofrighteous judgment. 329 ---- G,od hath a hoo~ ofpr~videnctt,. in which all things and caufes·ar e written,Pfol.I 39.16. and a bfJok! ofmemoric, \V herein all the good fervices of his Saints are recorded, cJWal. 3•.16. and a 6ook.f of ltfc, in which the name-s ofthe Eled are \Vritten,Phil. 4 3 .thefe bookes !hall be opened and read, Rev. :!0, 1 2. And Ifa-w t-he dead 6oth great lfndfma!l flaktd hefore God, ~nd the YIJD/e!s wtre opened, and aT~other6o()/z.wM opened which u ihe- hook! of·life, and the dead were judged of thofo things -whieh were ~ritrcn in the /Jo()ke.r, according to·their work,tJ. T.he booke.in the-parties cufiodie i3 the book ofevery mans confcience either accuflng or exc·ujing, Rvm. 2. t 5. _TI-.efe bookes fhal1 be opened, and if the conjcietJCt acc~tfo,God u greater thtlfl the confcience)t ]oh. 3. 20. 2. \V 1 ere all letts are remo'T ved , , that. judge.ment mtafi, bee I moft