Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I:.eu of righteous judgn1enr, removed. J, Lets- oj'righteouJ judgement. mofi righteous: but fo is it here:. for this is a white throne, like S.alrnnons white ivory throne, for the puritie of the Judge and · judgement. Firfr, here is no concealementofthings, no da.wbing .up ofbad matters in corners, no pleading of Lawyers to varnifh falfbood,and cloud the truth ; no Protl:ors, no Advocates, but every man mull give account of hitnfelfe !O God. Secondly, here is no refped= of per[ons~ but clluf~s: no friends to gratif.i : : no mans · cloth or fervice lhall proted an · offender. Thirdly, here fual1 be no inducement by gifts : gold · £hall gild no bad caufes. Fourth. ly, here fhall bee no fantlnaries,: riopriviledged places·to difiurbe the courfe ofJnH:ice, no appeales,. no proreaion~ to avoid the fentence w hi eh 1ha11 lye eternally ) upon finners. F~om all w hieh ' grounds \Ve con~ude the righteoll'fileffe of this iu dg.ement. Which