Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

. LetJofrighteoffl judgement. 331 -Whi~h{~rves fi.rfi:-:-;ccordi~g r !'ft I. to the fcope of our Saviour~ to /Live well,. . . h f and fare excite every one 111 t e care o 1 well in fav·ing his foule, and worke in os judgmc.nti' felfe-denia11 , taking up of our croife, and following ofChrifl: : for then fhall every man receive ~tccurding to hi& work! : As the -feed hath been)fo fha11 be the bar- -veil:: As the·worke hath beene, ' fo iliall the wages bee. Hee that · bath fown to the fleih,or to the world, fhall reape corruption : ·but hee that·hath fo-wne to the fpirit, lhall reape immorralitie and life. J Cor. -3· 8. Every one /hAll receive ~tc-curding tl bid fJJVn~ Ill !lour. Secondly, here is a grot1nd of repentance, AEl. 1 7. 3 r • He admonifoeth all to repent, buaufe hee hath appointe.d a day in which hee -wi!lptdge theworldin rig6teoufnejfe. The reafon is firong: now the Lord after a fort hideth hisrighteoufn~,and nfeth patience and Ufo 2·. Time torepent offin before judgmenr. -