Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

332 LetJ ofrighteous judgment• , ______________ ·and connivenee with many finners' : but then he fhall draw· it out. Yea thou mayefi now hide thine owne fin ne \Vith Addm-,and carry it dote from men, but that is aday ofrevelati()n,then !hall the bookes be opened)and all thy fins (except thouJ hafl: repented ·and got a·cover in Chrifl:) thJ11 bee manif;!{tand openly.read b'efbre · God·, men .and Angels. Thinke not to avoid or elude the ju{tice of rhis:throne : but ftand in awe, . ~ndjinnc not: get an awfull reve- . rence of that God, w ho!e pure eyes behold all the wayes of man ·, \V~ofe fcule perfetl:ly hateth an iniquitie ' ·w hofe hand wi11 not fpare, but without· refpett of perfons judge every mans workes,and whofe juftice wi11 reward every one according to that he hath done in the fidb; be it good or evilL By what !hanger argument 'Would the Apofile affright the · the