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Judgethyfelfebefore-hand. 3-33 - ------- - ---·--- ·,the hard-hearted finner, who heapes · up \Vr~th againft the day of wrath, and~eclaration -of the j!lfr judgemetit ofGod, but this fame, that God will rew~trd every man acc~rding to hi& work!s?Rom. 2. 5, 6. So, \vhatmore affecruall motive can wee ufe to terrific vJicked enemies O·Jt of their Gnne~., than that (jf the fpirit of God? Rev.22. JI. He that iJ un. ju.ff lcrhim be unpeft flill ; 1tnd hee · that u filthy let him be fi/!_hy flill: let the enernies of grace, ofthe I word of grace, of the preachers ofgrace, be unju!l:, malitious,and fcornfull flill, at their perill : let the fwearer fweare frill: fo the drunkard,harlot,ufi1rer. But take the next ver.fe \Vith it, !Jerf. I 2. BeholdJcomefoortiJ, ~tnd m7 re-:: ward u with WJt'e, t? give te every one ~tccording M hu work! fball 6ee. Thirdly, here is a ground of Ufo 3 ; patience in the midfl: of the confufions