Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 34 Judge thy felfe before-hand. fufions ofthe world, and the ma· ny contempts and opprobries ~aft againfl: the godly-:feeing every man ihall receive a righteous fentence according to bu -work1. Phi/.4 .) .La your moderati-on bee ~now ne unto all men, the Lord u ~rt . l h~tn.d. :Beware of rev·enge in the meane time: commit all to him that judgeth righteoufly.Stonne · not to receive unju!l: fentences againfl: us, to fee our righteous wayes depraved, our good repaid with evill, every Barrab"~U preferred before Chrift. There J is a day wherein God !hall make , I our righteoufi1effe breake out as , the Sunne in his ftrength. And \ even from hence the Scriptures l conclude a ·providence at~d a fu- ) ture judgemeat: ecc/~f. 3• I 6. when thou feejJ iniqaitie in the pl~tce ojjN~r;:ement, then thinkj in. thy heart that God will jttdge the j!Jft 11nd.the wickta. and c~tp. ~. 7· If in" C'f/1#1tr} t.hoN foejf th~ opprcffion_ .~