Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

) Judgnhyfelfebefore- hand. I .pr~Jiion ofthe poore,anddefrautjing ojjudgc~en~, hee not ~ftfJnie(: for )-he that u hsgher than ~i:Je higheft regardcth, and there be high.,er-than I 335 tbey. No\V bee patient, a'nQ appea1e to this day, from all unjufl:) fentences , as John lfru, Jerom~ I of Pra~uc,& c. fo did Zachariah, ~ Chr::no24o2J..The Lord looke on I it andrequire it. · · j Fourthly, this mufi: teach us \ Ufe 4· finceri tie .and truth in all our f Be finccre I 0 1 wayes before God and men: fee- · 10 rn~t~er . h. o d o l ofrel1g1.0n. tng t ts JU gemet:1t ts not accor-1 ding to ou-tward appearance, but according to the truth: then £hall -all Ihowes and powerlefTe forms ofgodlineffe bee blo\vne off, as leaves in Autumne by violent windes, and thou Ihalt bee hyd ' open as thou art, and not as thou feemell: : thou mayeO: now be as . An~tnia~ among beleevers, and as JudtU among the twelvejand carry it fmooth away; but this day will fet ·thee among hypocrites, and