Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 3 6 Judge thy Jelfe before-hand, .and-thou·lha!t fiand among thy fdlo\Jves. Then thall the hupe of the hypocrite perilh: and onely fou.ndneffe of heart lhall abide this exatl: triall . It mufi: bee gold ·that ,moll: abide the fire of this day, .and not a gilded hy· pocrite. Ufo 5• Fifrl y , this :mufl: teach us W atell , 1 c 1 rr · 11 .., d . do watc ·nu nene 1n a our w ayes, ~·~Y 1:1r~e and fee they bee righteous .-: Eel cl: f. 1 2. 1 3. Feare God and f<.!epe hu Comr;umdements :for God will bring every worke intfl jttdgement: feare God in his prefence, po\vcr, and jufl: ice: do nothing in 1ec'ret, ·.\V hieh thou wouldefi not have preached on the houfe-top :And k.!epe hu · (omm~ndcments; for, whatfoever is not anfwerable to fotne com1nandement, this judgment muft condemne and dif- .prove; w hatfoever the word .flOW alloweth, it will·then jn-fl:i· fie, and then will ,condetnne . w!Jatfoever it now corldem I