Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Judge thy felfe hefore-hattd. Judge thy felfe afore· hand, and put thy felfe upon the tryall,r .Of H~w: r. the word: how will thofe words 'and aCl:ions abide that tryall, which now it palfeth fentence a• gainft? 2. 0 f thine own confcient:e: 2: if now thy confcience have a voice againft thee, but thou wilt choake and fiifle it, yet it thall bee he~rd at this day. 3. Of, 3• thy experience : if any aCl:ion now bring guiltineffe , feare, .. fhame, or heavine£fe,-whatelfe fhall it bring then, when it fhall fet before the Judge t,hy oppteC ftons, cruelti~s, ufuries, wrongs) . oathes,revenges,filthineffe Jdrunkenneffe, contempt of' the word of grace, the day and meanes of : grace, and lhall doe God good ; fervice in ~ bringi!Jg backe an 0ld ·1reckonings;not reckoned for by : ChrHl:? .4.• Of thine owne prefent 4• ' app_rehenjion oftbat .day ~ if now the mention of this day make . , thee out o€gu~l;ines -to tremble, j • ••• •• Q_ what