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338 : l(now now,whnher thoufh.alt ' - ' - · what lhall .the :day it felfe -doe? · 1tfo6. ~· Sixthly, out ofthis dotl:rine a . How to man, may gath~~ evi:den.c.e ofliis k~owwhat I futureeftate, & whe.fhet -he thaU Will be. r. d · 11 · ·h I fi:· •··d . · come of us , 1pee ~we 1n t e a . JU gement. in the day ·For as the tre~ leaneth ; fo it is of judge- likely ~ to .fall ; ·and as it falleth, mcnt. fo it lyeth. . . , ; ~But to•he1pe ithis 'inqu-ifition, ., · the rScr.iptureis .aff{)rd ui fon:te · · .notes.oftrialL : · · · ., 'I.• That in_ 'Ga/.6. 7. Whllt 4 m~n Jo~e.r thatfoallheereApe. Sowefi thou cockle, and would ell: thou · reape corne./{fo\~eft thorl to the I Jlelh, and 'e~p~'tteft' to rea pe any j thing but 'cor-ruption ?. T q fow to 1 the Belli, is•t-o.live according to the lufts oethe flefh ~· and command of Juns·: as to1 Cow to the .Spirit, · is·.to .Jive ~fiett rhe riloti~ orls o'( lthe-Spirit·. ' Tilon· ·art in G·OQs ·f.iet~r,~i eJrfief·wh~at et chaffe': and 'the: reap~rs ~fthis ' .great harvetl: ;QlaU.\gather the w.heate·into the gattfer;but the ' ;·) chatfe