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ftand in the judgemt'nt. chatfe fuall be ca!l: into ur.,quenchable fire. - , 1. Another note is in 2 The JJ. I . 8. i~ flaming fire, rendri1? g vengeance to them thtttJ~.~ o'¥17 not G ()d, P~.nti o/;e} not th.e Gofpetl. f\11 ignorant and . difobedient perfons, that love not the knowledge of God, nor obedience to the Gofpell,may now read their d0ome in that judg:ment: nothing but timely repentance 1'reventeth it. 3. Another note is in 2 Thej[ I· 6. It u a righteouJ 'thing with God: to trDuble them that trottJhle you. It fhall then goe hard with thofe evill fervants tbat beate their fellow·-fervants, that revile -Chrifi in his members, or dif. grace the profeffion ofgodlineffe: _whereas they Hull finde it had beene their bappineffe to h~ve fed, clothed, comforted, and honoured Chrifl: in his members , ~a~· 2-S ·45 • . 4.Another note is in the parab k Q_~ of