Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

340 J(now now,whe~her thou/halt ofthe talents~ Mat. 25. ;o. the faithfull fervant, having received talents,ufed them., and g~ined as mal.ly more, was made ruler ovtr much : b_ut the evill and float h.- full fervant., that hid his Mafters talent,andemployed it t1ot for his ~tafl:ers advantage, was taken and cafl: into everlafl:ing darkneffe. What {hall be their hope, that are fo farre from e_mploying their talents, that they declaime againfl: them that doe, and mo1e£l: them for fo doing ·?Woe to fitcll Scribes and Pharifees hypocrites, that neither tntcr thcmfelvn, nor fujfer tJthers,/Ju~ foat ap the Xingdome of heA7J.Hf hefore men, Mat. 2 ~.I 1. Wllat is the_fo1:1nd preaching-ofthe Gofpell, but the kfy of the _Kingdome, given into the - hand of Pafi:ors to open the doore ofheaven to beleevers! Where then {hall fuch Pharifees fl:and, who not onely hinder others by their wicked exa1nple,but wreft: · ·'the